We finally decided to go swimming in the apartment pool. We were hesitant because the pool is so cold. It's not quite hot enough here to want to jump in to a shock of cold water. We braved it though, and I decided that as long as you're moving, it's not too bad. Once the pool's in the shade, though, it's time to get out. Kelsey got to wear her body glove built in floaty swim suit for the first time. It doesn't keep her upright if you just let her float so no lazy parenting allowed while toddler is in the pool. She gets really nervous when I carry her out into the deep water, but she's happy as a mermaid when she can touch the bottom.
We went to the beach on Saturday. My parents have some really nice friends who let us use their beach house, which means we get a private pool, private hammocks and private beach. Every now and then you'll see another human being walk by. It's pretty awesome. The only problem with the beach is getting there. It's a fairly scary hr 1/2 drive. Pedestrians along the sides of the roads and randomly crossing, huge potholes, random speed bumps, crazy drivers, big trucks, etc. It really keeps you on your toes. By the time you get home, after a life-threatening drive home in the dark, you're kissing the ground and sending prayers of thanks heavenward. Is it worth it? Of course! If you never takes risks you're not really living.. right?
Monday we had a brunch at our place for the "Gringo" women of our ward. It's half mission wives and half wives who follow their husbands abroad. FBI, embassy, company etc. It's all a very familiar scene for me, but one I will probably never have to live as an adult... but you never know what the future holds.
Wow! It sounds like you are having so much fun! I love to hear all your stories! :) You're looking so cute with your pregnant belly! Can't wait til the baby comes! :)